HSN 93059900 has been omitted w.e.f 2024-10-01. Please refer to new HS code(s) 93059910, 93059990

Do you still want to calculate duty of HSN 93059900 ?

You may also like to check custom duties on below HSN Codes.

Import policy and conditions

Trade Remedies

For Product: 93059900 India does not apply any trade remedy on the selected product.
Source: ITC (International Trade Centre)

Regulatory Requirements

For Product: 93059900
HS Revision:
NTM Classification:
NTM Year:
Source: ITC (International Trade Centre)
India does not apply any regulatory requirements on the selected product.

Chapter Notes

For Product: 93059900 India does not apply any trade remedy on the selected product.
Source: ITC (International Trade Centre)

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Frequently Asked Questions

The basic custom duty (also called BCD) on HS 93059900 is 10.00%

Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess(AIDC) on HS 93059900 is 0.00%

Health cess in India on HS 93059900 is 0.00%

Social Welfare Charge in India on HS 93059900 is 10.00%

GST Rates on HS 93059900 is 18.00%

GST Compensation Cess on HS 93059900 is 0.00%